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6 TaxAct Deals Verified
21 Offers Used Today

About TaxAct

Founded in 1998, TaxAct renders web-based tax preparation and software at unsurpassable prices. Accommodating free federal tax return e-filing for everyone and low introductory rates for state filing, TaxAct is your foremost choice for all tax-correlated endeavors. Be sure to check out the latest deals and coupons here before initiating your return!

TaxAct Coupons & Promo Codes



TaxAct Coupons & Promo Codes

  • 6 TaxAct Deals Verified
  • 21 Offers Used Today
4.2/5 from 21 shoppers Vote

About TaxAct

Founded in 1998, TaxAct renders web-based tax preparation and software at unsurpassable prices. Accommodating free federal tax return e-filing for everyone and low introductory rates for state filing, TaxAct is your foremost choice for all tax-correlated endeavors. Be sure to check out the latest deals and coupons here before initiating your return!

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