America Recycles Day
Sure you know to sort plastics, paper and how to compost. But what about car parts? America Recycles Day is November 15th. Let’s look at the ins-and-outs of car parts recycling.
1. Tires—There can be transmogrified in a variety of ways. From planters to tire swings, your imagination powers the re-use of tires. However do not let them languish for months in your own backyard, their decomposition can be harmful to the environment, if not processed by a professional. Auto Parts Warehouse will help you find your replacement tires.
2. Car Batteries—Car batteries are the most recycled production the U.S.—not water bottles or cans. Nearly 99% of batteries reincarnate into some other useful product. Scrap yards are uniquely equipped to recycle them if your dealer isn’t available. Need a new battery? Look at Advance Auto Parts today.
3. Plastic Car Parts—Dashboards, lights, bumpers and other plastic parts are melted down and morph into other useable plastic parts. 4 Wheel Parts has an array of bumpers to replace one that’s been damaged in a fender bender.
4. Switches—Older vehicles from 2003 or earlier were built with mercury switches. Since 2006, the federal government and private groups have been aiding older car owners remove the noxious material from vehicles before shredding. Learn more by searching the NVMSRP online and if you need updated switches, go to 4 Wheel Drive online.
You’ve sorted your bottles and cans—what about your auto parts? Auto recycling is an important part of environmental health, so get savvy about what can and what cannot be recycled in your car. Find your replacement parts online by shopping with our codes and you’ll save while saving the environment.